Last Sunday I preached on Psalm 8, a passage I have never before dealt with in any detail. I was taken off guard by the theological breadth and depth of its contents. I’ve read this passage dozens of times in my personal Bible reading over the years, but never got past a mere surface appreciation for its meaning and significance.That has now changed.
This Psalm is only 9 verses long, but it is surprisingly full. Although it is not technically identified as a “Messianic Psalm”, it is quoted four times in the NT and each time it is directly applied to Christ. Many other NT passages allude to its themes indirectly as well. Additionally, the psalmist himself quotes from and alludes to the Creation account of Genesis in multiple places.
It has been such a blessing to me personally to prepare and preach this message that I have decided to post my sermon notes here for anyone else who might be interested in reading them.