Hanna Prayer Card 2020

Hanna News(y)Letter

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Dear praying friends,

In early July Marla and I attended BMM’s annual Family Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. Together as a mission family we celebrated 100 years of God’s blessing on Baptist Mid-Missions’ ministries world-wide. No one knows what tomorrow will bring, but we are looking to God to carry us forward for the next 100 years.

Since our last communication with you there have been big changes in Taiwan and other Asian nations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. India, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, and other nations have experienced huge spikes in their case numbers accompanied by large death tolls. Taiwan, which managed to remain relatively covid-free for a year-and-a-half, suddenly had a major outbreak in May that quickly led to a level three (out of four levels) lock-down. Cornerstone Baptist Church (our congregation in Kaohsiung) was catapulted overnight into virtual worship services online. Since most of you here in the US experienced these things last year, you can understand and sympathize with these difficulties. Your prayers for them will be appreciated. People in the congregation are feeling isolated; children are schooling from home; and the spiritual health of believers is being affected.

Here in Columbia, South Carolina Marla and I are praising the Lord for giving us rest, renewal, and refreshing, particularly over the last 6 months of our furlough. We have purchased tickets for our return to Taiwan, which will take place on September 2nd, Lord-willing. Of course, the recent Covid-19 restrictions that Taiwan has put in place are complicating our plans. Please pray with us as we sort out the various requirements that we must fulfill for entry. These include a negative Covid test within 72 hours of departure, 14 days of quarantine in a government approved hotel, and further testing with negative results during and after our quarantine. We must reserve the hotel in advance of travel.

A further item for you to pray about is our re-entry into Taiwan ministry at Cornerstone Baptist Church. The Stewarts, who are leading the church in our absence, are feeling the pressure of pastoring the congregation with only limited face-to-face interaction with church members. They have delayed their furlough while we have been gone, but plan to return to the US a few months after our return. Pray for a smooth transition of leadership to take place during these months that both families labor together. We are deeply thankful for the Stewarts’ effective ministry among the congregation. They are aiming to launch a new church plant in a nearby community after they return from furlough. Thank you for your continuing prayers, support, and encouragement. We’ve taken a long pause and a deep breath; now we’re moving forward into our next season of ministry. Thank you for staying with us through the journey.

In Christ,

the Hannas

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