"0h, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."
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Taiwan and the Gospel

Major Religions

Major religions in Taiwan include Buddhism, Taoism, traditional folk religion (ancestor worship), and Christianity. Folk temples are scattered throughout the cities and countryside, and are a powerful spiritual influence on the people of Taiwan. Most of these temples are syncretistic, containing elements of many religions. Worship of the ancestors takes place both in the temples and at the shrines (god shelves) found in every traditional household. Twice in every lunar month, tables are placed in front of the home with offerings of food and drink for the departed ancestors and special paper money (hell money) is burned in burn pots for their use in the afterlife.


Christianity has been present in Taiwan for more than a hundred years. The Taiwan Presbyterian Church is the largest and oldest Christian denomination. While some Presbyterian churches still hold the gospel, many have succumbed to pressures from Theological Liberalism and most are deeply involved in politics. Most other Christian denominations are represented as well, including some denominations which are indigenous to Taiwan, such as the Spiritual Bread Church and the True Jesus Church. But regardless of denomination, almost all local churches are strongly influenced by the Charismatic Movement, New Evangelicalism, and the Mega-Church Movement imported from the U.S. and Korea. As a result, doctrinal and practical confusion is widespread, with a large majority of professing believers lacking the most basic ability to discern the issues facing Christians from a Biblical perspective. Religious errors, such as baptismal regeneration, are so deeply rooted in the thinking of Christians from these churches that it is probable that large numbers of them do not have a true saving understanding and faith of the gospel.

Preaching the Gospel in Taiwan

Such a religious environment points out the deep need for gospel ministry that is thoroughly Biblical in its approach and methodology. Great patience is needed in sowing the seed among those who are caught in the superstitions and pagan world view of Taiwan’s idolatrous religions. The Gospel has shown itself to be God’s power of salvation to many Taiwanese who have left their idols and superstitions for faith in Christ. Great patience is also needed when ministering in a local church environment in which many of the people in attendance may have little sympathy with our Biblical Baptist beliefs. They come because they are attracted by the clear preaching and teaching of the Bible (something usually lacking in their previous churches). We pray and teach them in the hope that they will exhibit the spirit of the Bereans and submit their minds and consciences to the Word of God. Another challenge to the work of church planting is the affluence and materialism of the Taiwanese people in general. The pursuit of wealth, education, and material advancement results in spiritually anemic Christians who demonstrate little commitment to the service of their God. For these reasons, the work moves slowly.


Thank God that building the Church is Christ’s work, not man’s. God has called us to be co-laborers with him in His Work. We are grateful for the privilege of giving God’s truth in a dark nation. The power of the Gospel, the Word of God, and the Spirit of God ensures that God’s work cannot—and does not—fail. What Taiwan needs is more gospel workers, more missionaries, more national leaders. Come over and help us!

Temple Lion

Temple Guardian

Temple Worshipper

Temple Worshipper