"0h, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."
Hanna Prayer Card 2020

Hanna News(y)Letter

hanna newsyletter header

Dear Friends, Family, and Prayer Partners,

Since our last prayer letter was written, Taiwan has once again been catapulted into the international spotlight. After Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in early August, Mainland China launched an unprecedented series of continuous war games in the area surrounding Taiwan, loud diplomatic diatribes in the international media, and literal missiles that threatened not only Taiwan, but also Japan. Most observers are convinced that this response was not a knee-jerk reaction to Pelosi’s visit, but a well-planned and intentional elevation of the tensions; Pelosi’s visit provided the pretext for which they were waiting. This raises the level of confrontation between China and Taiwan, which also affects the security of Japan and the US. As China pursues its ambitions for world dominance, we find ourselves here sitting in the hot seat.

As mentioned in our last letter, Matt continues to teach Cornerstone’s adult Sunday School class on the topic of God’s sufficiency. A critical component of having a restful soul is the conviction that God is sovereign over all events, including those in the global geo-political arena and the troubles or difficulties that we may face on the personal level. While it has not been comfortable to experience these threatening circumstances, we are confident that God is present with us, cares for us, and is in control of all the affairs that impact our lives. Thank you to all who are praying for us during these ongoing occurrences.

2022 Cornerstone teen camp contingent
2022 Cornerstone teen camp contingent (7/20/2022)

In late July our group of fellowshipping missionaries held summer camp for the teens. Over a hundred people attended. Since Covid began two years ago, this was the first time we had been able to gather the teens in this way. Praise the Lord there were no outbreaks of illness to disrupt our week. Several teens from our church testified afterward before our congregation that God had impacted their lives through the camp messages. Thank you for your prayers in this regard. A few weeks later, Cornerstone conducted a 3-day VBS program, in which our teens played a significant role.

The Omicron surge that was predicted for Taiwan has come to pass, but the impact on our lives and ministry has been minimal. Additionally, Marla is slowly returning to the normal use of her wrists after her recent surgeries. She is playing piano regularly in various services and ministries. She has also regathered the choir; they have begun practicing in preparation for a special church emphasis on missions in the month of October. During this mission’s emphasis month, we have invited speakers from around Taiwan to come and challenge our congregation in this area. Pray for a renewal of our vision, a revival of our commitment to Christ, a restoration of our faithfulness in the ministries of the church, and an increase in our evangelistic outreach to our community. Over the next few months, we will also begin planning for Christmas events and outreach opportunities. Again, Covid has limited us in the last few years; but we are now looking beyond Covid and desiring that God will give us increased opportunity to reach our city with the gospel. Also, continue to pray for the transition coming to the church next fall when we will be stepping down from pastoral responsibilities. Pray for the Cornerstone congregation as they seek for new pastoral leadership and pray for us also as we seek God’s guidance for our next assignment.

In Christ,

Matt & Marla Hanna

2022 Taiwan Teen Camp
2022 Taiwan Teen Camp: “New Life in Christ”
2022 Taiwan Teen Camp2
2022 Taiwan Teen Camp: Tug-of-war
Cornerstone VBS 2022
Cornerstone VBS (8/15/2022)

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