"0h, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."
Hanna Prayer Card 2020

Hanna News(y)Letter

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The Lord said, “Go!” My course I never shall repent:
My country, gods, and kindred I forsook; I went
To seek a place by me unknown and did not rate
My loss a poor exchange, nor count the cost too great,
Which made of me a pilgrim and my home a tent.

(from “I, Abraham”)

Dear Friends, Family, and Prayer Partners,

On October 1, 1990, Marla and I with a child-in-arms departed the US and arrived in Taiwan for our first term of missionary service. There was no voice-over-internet phone; no Skype or Zoom to connect with family and friends back in the US; and we were unable to communicate with the Chinese people around us. We knew where we were going, but we didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into! Since then, we have often made the statement, “Life is an adventure!” What we did know was that God had called us to go and that He would be with us during every step of our journey. That journey has involved learning Chinese language and culture; raising our three children on a foreign field; and planting Cornerstone Baptist Church.

On June 27, 2023, Marla and I boarded another plane and left Taiwan for an unknown future. The adventure continues! Having come to the clear understanding that God had brought our ministry at Cornerstone Baptist Church to a close, we gathered up the various strands of our life and ministry, packed up our home and our suitcases, and shipped 38 boxes of household goods back to the US. We are writing this letter from Vermont, where we are visiting with our daughter’s family for a few months. We are praying, exploring options, and praying some more, as we seek to determine what God’s next assignment for us will be.

Owen Paul Elmore: Born 7/25/2023; Weight 8 lbs. 2 oz.; Length 21.25 in.
Owen Paul Elmore: Born 7/25/2023; Weight 8 lbs. 2 oz.; Length 21.25 in.

Our first stop in the US was at Matt’s mother’s home in California. We got off the plane feeling ill and soon tested positive for Covid. Thankfully, my mom stayed Covid free, even though we were quarantined in her small home. After spending about 9 days in California to recover from Covid and jet lag, we travelled on to Vermont. We were able to be present for the birth of our first grandchild, Owen Paul Elmore, who was born on July 25th to our daughter Rose and husband Mike. Two sets of first-time grandparents are ecstatic!

Our furlough plans are to settle in Midland, Michigan on September 1 and then begin travelling to report in supporting churches, mainly in the Michigan and Wisconsin area. (We will be making a few forays to other areas as well.) We look forward to seeing some of you during this time. We aim to begin our transition to a new ministry assignment within BMM after February 1, 2024, Lord willing. Please pray for safety and God’s blessing on our ministry in the churches and for clear guidance on the next stage of our life journey. We will keep you posted as the Lord gives us light and guidance.

Matt & Marla Hanna, 21 years at Cornerstone BC
Matt & Marla Hanna, 21 years at Cornerstone Baptist Church

Our last several months in Taiwan were busy and eventful. The church held a banquet to celebrate our 21 years of ministry at Cornerstone Baptist Church; they showed a special video presentation and gave gifts and speeches. It was very bittersweet to say goodbye to friends and spiritual family that we have loved and shepherded for so long.

Matt was able to complete his sermon series on the book of Hebrews on our very last Sunday there. On the same day, we had a formal transition of leadership from Matt to our co-worker, Josh Stewart, who will be leading the church in the next stage of its growth. Josh and Rachel and their children, Nate and Anna, have been with us at Cornerstone for more than seven years. Our relationship with them over many years gives us confidence as we leave the church in their care. Furthermore, the church will have minimal disruption as Josh simply steps up to the lead position. The pulpit committee that we helped to organize and train is up and running; they will continue the process of seeking a national pastor either from without or from within the church. Please pray for Cornerstone Baptist Church to continue to grow and that the Lord would call and provide a national pastor to lead the congregation. The Stewarts hope eventually to move on to plant another church. Pray for their family as he leads and ministers in the congregation.

In Christ,

Matt & Marla Hanna

Cornerstone BC congregation, May 2023
Cornerstone BC congregation, May 2023

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