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Hanna News(y)Letter

Hanna News(y)Letter

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you for your prayers and gifts toward our ministry. The last few months have been occupied with getting tooled up for our return to the deputation trail. As we have turned over the leaf of a new calendar year, we are optimistic that the Lord will provide the additional support that we need by the end of 2025.

In November, Marla and I flew to Phoenix to report to one of our supporting churches about our transition of ministry. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with Pastor Dave Swope and the congregation at Calvary Baptist Church of Mesa. We also made several new contacts with area pastors for potential future meetings.

In December we drove to Greenville, South Carolina and spent three weeks at our sending church, Morningside Baptist Church. We were able to strengthen relationships with members of the congregation and make new friendships. We also enjoyed the Christmas outreach activities and special festivities that took place during the run-up to Christmas.

In January we arranged to have new prayer cards designed and printed, and a professional display banner made. We also began connecting with churches and pastors to set up our itinerary for travel and ministry. We also traveled to Cleveland, Ohio to work with the media team at our mission office to prepare a professional video presentation for use in our deputation ministry. This was the last major task necessary before we go on the road.

Current Pledged Support Feb 1, 2025
Current Pledged Support Feb 1, 2025

You’ll notice in the graphic at right that our support level has actually decreased by a few percentage points since our last letter. This is due to churches and supporters that made budgetary decisions during December and January about their ongoing support of our ministry. We offer a special “Thank you!” to several churches and individuals that have increased their support in response to our need. We have also welcomed one new church to our support team. Additionally, in December and January we received several large, one-time gifts toward our transitional expenses.

In February we will begin to travel full-time for meetings. We will start by driving to Texas to spend a few weeks with the Hawks and the congregation of Good News Baptist Church. This will allow us to engage in ministry, confer with our ministry partners, and renew our relationships in the congregation.

From there we will drive to Arizona to present our ministry in churches during late February and March. In April our itinerary continues with travel to California, where we will speak in additional churches. Please pray for our safety over many thousands of miles of road, wisdom as we arrange additional meetings to fill our itinerary, provision of suitable housing for us on our journeys, blessing on our ministry in the churches, and for God to quickly raise up new ministry partners for us, so that we can move to Katy soon.

In Christ,

Matt & Marla (signature)
Matt & Marla Hanna

Cassidy Clare Elmore
Cassidy Clare Elmore

Family News: Cassidy Clare Elmore was born to Mike & Rose (our daughter) on January 16, 2025.