"0h, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."

Matt & Marla Hanna

Baptist Mid-Missions Logo


Photo: Penghu, Taiwan

“You also helping together in prayer for us…” (2 Cor. 1:11)

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Access current news, information, and resources that will inform you concerning our ministry and equip you to partner with us through your prayers, your financial support, and your advocacy of our ministry within your family or church congregation. Not yet a partner? Enlist today!


Read articles on Scriptural passages, topics, and truth; download interpretative resources; and use Bible tools that Pastor Hanna has developed during 30 years of teaching ministry, which will increase your understanding and knowledge of God’s word and encourage you to deepen your walk of discipleship with Christ!


What is your role in fulfilling Christ’s commission to make disciples among all nations? Christ is still calling and equipping ordinary people to become missionary ambassadors of the gospel to a world in need; opportunities for service abound—in Taiwan, in your neighborhood, and around the world!

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

~Jim Elliot, missionary martyr

Recent Posts

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant…” (2 Cor. 3:5-6a)

East Is East Presents!

Watch the following videos about our ministry and field.

  • 2020 Furlough Ministry Report: Treasure in Earthen Vessels (9 minutes, 30 seconds; released September, 2020)
  • Field Video: Taiwan: Preaching the True God in a Land of Many Gods (13 minutes, 48 seconds; released in 2015)

“The Baptist Mid-Missions Family exists to strategically advance the building of Christ’s church, with His passion and for His glory, in vital partnership with Baptist churches worldwide.”

~BMM Mission Statement


Matt & Marla Portrait

Matt and Marla Hanna have served as missionaries to Taiwan with Baptist Mid-Missions, since 1990. The focus of their ministry is evangelism, church planting, and training national leaders. Mandarin Chinese is the primary language that they use for ministry. They currently live in the southern port city of Kaohsiung, which is Taiwan’s second largest city.

In 2002 they planted… [read more]


East Is East

East Is East is the blog and website of the Hanna family since 2009. Its purpose is to provide current news and information about the Hanna’s missionary ministry, to increase Bible knowledge and understanding among God’s people, and to motivate believers to become personally involved in Great Commission service. Learn more about the naming of our blog by reading our first post (from November 17, 2009).

Morningside Logo

Morningside Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina is the Hanna family’s sending church. For more information, visit Morningside’s website.

BMM Logo

Baptist Mid-Missions is a faith-based, Baptist mission agency that has served churches and missionaries for more than 100 years. Learn more about BMM’s values, history, and function; read their articles of faith; and explore current needs and opportunities for gospel ministry around the world, by visiting the Baptist Mid-Missions website.

Cornerstone Baptist Church

Cornerstone Baptist Church was planted by the Hannas in 2002. It is a Bible-believing Baptist church located in the ZuoYing District of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The congregation is primarily composed of local, Mandarin-speaking believers. However, we also have an International Fellowship, which meets weekly for worship and fellowship in English. See the Cornerstone page for service times, directions, and other information.

Cornerstone also has a Mandarin language blog and website (Traditional Chinese) with information about church ministries, links to listen to Mandarin Chinese preaching (including messages by Pastor Hanna), and more.